Our Services
Uncorked Access believes that wine industry can greatly benefit by expanding their consumer base to a relatively untapped market-the Deaf community and other Disability communities.

Deaf-Friendly Business Consulting
Make your place of business more accessible
Accessibility can be an overwhelming task to all parties. Where do you start? We offer consulting services that assess your business' current positions, and help you set and execute short, medium, and long-term goals. You'll be surprised at how many tools aimed at accessibility actually expand your brand's reach overall to any potential customers.

Professional Development Workshops for the Hospitality Industry
86 the Barriers
Peter and Laura will discuss how accessibility can optimize a Deaf guest’s experience by providing visual and non-verbal communication access to the Deaf consumers, as well as how this can benefit the restaurant and wine industry as a whole. We will tailor information to your subset of the hospitality industry, offer real-life examples, exercises, share insight about Deaf culture, and more. Participants will leave feeling empowered and equipped to create immediate change.

ASL Wine Tasting Session
Full Access to ASL Users
Wine tastings are common practice for both industry professionals and enthusiasts alike, but what if you don't speak the lingo (literally)? Uncorked Access recognizes the significance of this procedure and for years, native ASL users have experienced barriers to engaging in tasting groups and events due to differences in language modality. We offer a unique opportunity for wine professionals or aficionados to converse about wine descriptors in an ASL-rich environment without any of the typical hassles!

Wine 101 for Sign Language Interpreters
Expanding the Accessibility Toolbox
Wine is one of those topics that has a language all its own; only problem is, American Sign Language historically has not had signs that conceptually match the specific jargon of wine. Interpreters are always expanding their knowledge, and may find themselves interpreting for a wine tasting, class, tour, culinary school, staff training, and more.
In this workshop, interpreters will learn the foundational elements of wine tasting and winemaking in ASL, as well as some customary wine culture tips. Be prepared to have fun and leave with a wealth of knowledge that can be applied to both work and play.