Vision and Mission
An Equal Seat at the Table.
In the true spirit of hospitality, we believe that every individual deserves an equal seat at the table. Our mission is to promote equitable accessibility for all, including Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who desire to engage with the wine industry, through education and advocacy.
We envision a unified, inclusive wine world where access is the new standard. In order to achieve this, the wine industry must recognize the cultural and linguistic barriers that are perpetuated, and be willing to dismantle them with actionable, sustainable steps. We can offer both temporary and permanent solutions through our available resources, networks, and constructive discourse.
We think this is best attained through a two-pronged, bridge-building approach:
Advocating for the established wine industry to provide linguistically-equivalent access to wine education, experiences, and employment opportunities.
Creating Deaf space in the wine world, which allows for constructive and heartfelt discourse by identifying, acknowledging, and dismantling cultural and linguistic barriers.
We intend on banding together to offer solutions and ideas for creating a barrier-free industry.
Our experiences, both professional and personal, provide a unique opportunity to share our collective knowledge of wine with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. We aim to inspire curiosity, passion, and confidence, for everyone from a wine enthusiast to someone wanting to specialize in a career in wine.